Who we care about
The promotion of young and talented artists is one of the main goals of our association and defined in its regulations.
We achieve this by giving young and talented artists the opportunity to present themselves at our evening events. While in the first decade of the association we exclusively featured classical music, we have significantly extended the spectrum since 2013. Performances now include everything from jazz to crossover and musical theater, drama, dance, puppet theater and other genres, without neglecting classical chamber music.
When selecting young artists, we work closely with artistic directors and principals of all leading cultural institutions in and outside of Dresden. This allows us to win the best talents for our events. It regularly includes young people from all over the world who are studying or take up their first engagements in Saxony.
But the exchange should not be limited to reception. Artistic performance are not to be seen as a mere decorative element. Our guests are interested in getting to know the young artists as people. This is why a brief chat with the artists in which they give insights into their experiences, goals and motivation has become an integral part of our events. This serves a double purpose: The audience gains interesting and entertaining insights and the artists practice presenting themselves in front of a large group.
In addition, FORUM TIBERIUS promotes future leaders as we invite them to join our events with the help of a stipend. Candidates are suggested by the heads of universities, research facilities, businesses and organizations we work with. Our members and guests thereby get the chance to get to know future leaders at our events. On the other hand, the stipend holders are introduced to a new range of people and artistic performances that can inspire their interdisciplinary development.